
From Redondela to Armenteira

Hello Monkey friend, today we’ll talk about the Portuguese Spiritual Way of Santiago. Not familiar with it? Well, let me enlighten you.

The Portuguese Spiritual Way is a variant of the Way of Santiago starting from Pontevedra and ending in Pontecesures, where it joins the final stage of the Camino.

This variant spans 73 km, with the last 30 km covered by boat, crossing the world’s only Fluvial Way of the Cross.

If I’ve piqued your interest, grab your sailor hat, and let’s embark.

Twenty-fourth Stage: Portuguese Spiritual Way of Santiago from Redondela to Pontevedra (20km)

In our last article, we left off in Redondela. Today, I’ll take you to:

  • Pontevedra
  • Armenteira

Leaving Redondela, we head briskly towards the grand Galician city of Pontevedra. The path is tranquil, albeit dampened by rain yet lightened by company.

Crossing the village bridge to reach our final destination had its charm.

Compared to the villages seen so far, Pontevedra is a proper urban center. Located on the outskirts of the city is Albergue Virgen Peregrina, where I spent the night.

Pros of this Albergue include its price:

  • 8 euros for a comfortable bed, shower, and heated premises, which is a great deal for a pilgrim.
  • Additionally, its well-equipped kitchen and spacious communal areas, both indoors and outdoors, are noteworthy.

I didn’t encounter any negatives regarding this facility. It’s a fifteen-minute walk from the historic center, which I recommend visiting to admire the beautiful Renaissance Basilica of Saint Mary Major.

Portuguese Spiritual Way of Santiago-Renaissance Basilica of Saint Mary Major-Pontevedra
Renaissance Basilica of Saint Mary Major

The only advice I give to pilgrims staying here is to respect curfew! The Albergue, like all others, closes at 10:00 PM sharp, as it’s managed by volunteers. We returned after a hearty dinner at 10:15 PM, and the facility was already closed. Fortunately, knowing a pilgrim inside, we managed to get in for a peaceful night’s sleep.

Pontevedra is a beautiful city blending ancient charm with modernity. After experiencing so much tranquility in small villages, you find yourself thrust into a more chaotic yet not negative reality. I’ll always cherish the time spent in Pontevedra and the adventures lived in this city.

Twenty-fifth Stage: Portuguese Spiritual Way of Santiago from Pontevedra to Armenteira (25km)

Bidding farewell to Pontevedra the next morning, we headed towards Armenteira, continuing along the Portuguese Spiritual Way.

Though the journey at times was tough with its steep climbs, reaching Combarro (a small fishing town along the way), seeing the ocean, and dipping our feet into it after so much walking was an unforgettable thrill that will live on in my memories.

Indeed, if you’re heading to Armenteira, I strongly advise stopping for at least an hour in the charming Combarro. Partly because it’s the last place to refresh before Armenteira and partly because the charm of that small town will captivate you.

Portuguese spiritual way of Santiago-Combarro-harbour-ocean
Glimpse of Combarro

After leaving Combarro (following a fantastic seafood meal), prepare yourself for a rather strenuous ascent before immersing yourself in the serene peace of Armenteira.

In Armenteira, it’s ideal to stay at the Monastery of Santa María and share a modest meal with the residing nuns, though it’s unfortunately closed during the winter months. If you plan to take the Spiritual Way, do your research thoroughly.

My fellow travelers and I stayed at the beautiful and spacious Rustic House del Bicaño, booked on Airbnb.

The pros of this lovely rustic house nestled in greenery include its price:

  • 20 euros per night for a warm, single room with a hot shower and comfy bed.
  • The structure itself is remarkably spacious and perfect for bonding with fellow travelers.
  • The owners’ kindness was also noteworthy;
  • the property is a 5-6 minute drive from the city center, and they picked us up in their car and then took us to grab food at the local bar.

I highly recommend this property as one of the few in the area suitable for groups of at least 5 people. It’s an excellent compromise in terms of quality and price.

Fellow pilgrim, we’re almost at the final destination. “See” you in the next article. Buen Camino!

Seguici sui Social

Article Name
Portuguese Spiritual Way of Santiago (Redondela-Armenteira)
Discover useful information about the Portuguese Spiritual Way of Santiago, a variant of the Camino de Santiago, in this article.
Publisher Name
La Scimmia Viaggiatrice