Le Interessanti leggende di Trieste- Canal Grande- Borgo Teresiano- Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Nuovo- Barche- Luci

The Tales of the Three Symbols – Bora, Carso, and the Halberd

Are you in Trieste and curious about captivating stories? Well, dive into the legends of Trieste surrounding the Bora, the Carso, and the Halberd!

Trieste, renowned for its elegance and Mitteleuropean charm, is also characterized by three symbols: the Bora, the Carso, and the Halberd. Surprisingly, these symbols are entwined with enchanting legends narrating their fantastic origins. Let’s explore the legends of Trieste together.

Legends of Trieste: The Legend of Bora and Tergesteo

The first legend, crafted by Triestine poet Edda Vidiz, draws inspiration from popular tales about the Bora. The story unfolds with Aeolus, the wind god, traversing the world with his children, among them, Bora, his favorite. On a green plateau overlooking the sea, Bora played with the clouds. Venturing into a cave, she encountered the hero Tergesteo, an Argonaut recently returned from the “Golden Fleece” quest. Love sparked instantly!

However, Aeolus, realizing his daughter’s disappearance, frantically searched and, upon finding her with Tergesteo, unleashed his wrath. Bora, heartbroken, refused to leave. Her tears, falling to the ground, transformed into stones, covering the plateau. Bora persists in reliving this love for seven days each year when she blows “clear” (cloudless) or “dark” as she awaits Tergesteo.

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The “Dark” Bora (Credit to by robertobarresi from Pixabay)

Legends of Trieste: The Birth of Carso

The second legend explains the birth of the Carso plateau, weaving a tale between the sacred and the mundane. After creating the world, God noticed stones cluttering fertile plains, hindering cultivation. Instructing Archangel Michael to gather excess stones and toss them into the Adriatic Sea, Michael, resourceful, used a vast sack.

During his travels, Satan covertly followed Michael, eager to uncover the sack’s mysterious contents. Invisibility aided Satan, who, with scissors, cut the sack open. Astonished to find mere stones, Satan fled Michael’s pursuit. The damage was done: the stones covered once-flourishing lands, giving rise to the Carso.

Despite Michael’s attempts to persuade God to rectify the situation, the decision stood. Yet, the Carso, with its expanse of rocks, isn’t so bad, is it?

the interesting legends of Trieste- Karst- Trieste Karst- Cliff- Sea
The Trieste Carso

Legends of Trieste: The Halberd of San Sergio

The final legend revolves around Trieste’s symbol, the Halberd. This symbol adorns nearly every corner of the city. An ancient tale elucidates the reason behind using this weapon as Trieste’s emblem. Sergio, a Roman military officer under Emperor Diocletian, served as a military tribune in Trieste. Developing strong ties with the local Christians, Sergio converted to Christianity.

Before his transfer to Syria, Sergio promised the local Christian community a sign if he were martyred for the true faith. Shortly after arriving in Syria, Sergio and his friend Bacco were denounced, imprisoned, and martyred. Miraculously, Sergio’s halberd fell from the sky in Trieste, fulfilling his promise. The Christians collected the weapon, safeguarding it as the city’s emblem in Sergio’s honor

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Oval with halberd symbol of Trieste

According to legend, San Sergio’s halberd is made of rust-resistant iron and retains its gilding. Today, this relic is preserved in a case within the treasure of the Cathedral of San Giusto.

Now, armed with these Legends of Trieste, you can view these city symbols with a touch more imagination!

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The interesting legends of Trieste
Explore the captivating Legends of Trieste, unveiling enchanting tales surrounding the Bora, Carso, and the Halberd. Unlock the city's mysteries!
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LA scimmia Viaggiatrice