le leggende sulla costruzione della fortezza di Palmanova- Pianta Antica- Fortezza- Palmanova- Stella

Discovering the Legends of the Star-Shaped City Palmanova

Have you ever heard the legends about the construction of the fortress of Palmanova? If not, join us as we delve into these intriguing tales!

Palmanova‘s star-shaped fortress continues to amaze visitors, emerging suddenly in the midst of the Friulian plain. Its unique shape and chosen location have sparked the imagination of the locals, giving rise to two captivating legends. Let’s dive into the narratives!

Legends about construction of fortress Palmanova: The Shepherd Camotio’s Dream

The first legend, passed down by the Udine priest and historian Francesco Palladio degli Olivi (1601 – 1669), dates back to 1660 and revolves around a shepherd named Camotio. In 1573, twenty years before the construction began, Camotio, while tending his flock, fell asleep under a tree at the exact spot where the fortress would later stand. In a vivid dream, he witnessed a massive group of workers digging moats and building bastions. Fascinated, he approached them and learned they were constructing a fortress!

Legends about the construction of the fortress of Palmanova - Reconstruction of machines for the construction of the fortress of Palmanova - Piazza Grande -
Reconstruction of machines used for the construction of the Palmanova fortress

Upon awakening, Camotio rushed to the villa of San Lorenzo, sharing his strange dream with friends who dismissed it as mere drunkenness. Years later, on October 7, 1593, the superintendent Giulio Savorgnan laid the fortress’s first stone, validating Camotio’s vision. Imagine the astonishment of Camotio’s fellow citizens that day!

Legends about constrution of fortress of Palmanova’s : The Spider’s Web

The second legend revolves around the peculiar choice of the fortress’s shape during a storm in the early 1500s. Concerned about Venetian territorial integrity, the Republic of Venice commissioned a fortress between Udine and Marano. Expert architects, including superintendent Giulio Savorgnan, identified the ideal location in the fields between Palma, Ronchis, and San Lorenzo.

Plan of Palmanova - 18th century - print
Eighteenth-century plan of Palmanova

During the final planning by five Proveditors, a sudden storm forced them into a nearby chapel. As they waited, a gust of wind opened a small window, causing a spider’s web to fall near them. Recognizing its ideal shape for the new fortress, they embraced the design.

While these legends might be products of Friulian imagination, they add a delightful and intriguing layer to the visit to Palmanova.

 Envisioning Camotio dozing under one of the tall trees surrounding the fortress isn’t too challenging for us.

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The legends of the constructions of the fortress of Palmanova
Uncover captivating legends about the construction of Palmanova fortress – read our article and be amazed! Dive into the history with us.
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La Scimmia Viaggiatrice