Tramonto-Santuario Fatima

Exploring Three Stops Along the Path

Are you ready, dear Monkey’s Friend, to continue discovering a new for each new stage and new hostel on the Way? In the previous article, we stopped at Arneiro das Milharicas; now, I’ll take you to Minde, Fatima, and Tomar. So, grab your trekking poles and join me.

Sixth Stage: Arneiro-Minde (20km)

The journey from Arneiro to Minde, I must warn you, is long and winding. It was the first leg of the journey that truly exhausted me, with constant ups and downs among the rocks.

Arriving in Minde, I immediately sought out the first hostel on the way: Casal dos 5. More than a hostel, it’s a true home with all comforts: a large garden, a spacious heated room with a super comfy bed, a well-equipped kitchen, and a beautiful living room where the owner lit a fireplace for me to relax by. The warm welcome from both the owner and Didinha, the dog I befriended, made my stay delightful. Despite the idyllic setting, I must mention two downsides: the unreliable Wi-Fi and the relatively high price. Nevertheless, whether you’re a pilgrim or a tourist seeking a night of relaxation, Casal dos 5 is worth considering.

Seventh Stage: Hostel on the way between Minde and Fatima (17 km)

Bidding farewell to Didinha and Minde, we march on towards Fatima, the first major pilgrimage site of my journey. Fatima needs no introduction; besides the beauty of its sanctuary, there’s a mystical depth that envelops it, best experienced by visiting.

Hostel on the way of Santiago-Fatima-sanctuary-
Sanctuary of Fatima

For the first time, I stayed at Sao Bento Labre, a donation-based lodging for pilgrims. Donativo is a structure exclusively for pilgrims, sustained by offerings. The facility, though basic, offers hot showers, comfortable beds, a kitchen, and laundry facilities, embodying the pilgrim spirit of sharing. If you choose to stay here, I highly recommend making an offering. For more information, check out the link provided.

Eighth Stage: Hostel on the way between Fatima and Tomar (35km)

With a breathtaking sunrise in Fatima, we head unwaveringly towards Tomar, the city of the Templars. Tomar, nestled on the banks of the Nabao River, offers relaxation amid the sound of flowing water and the quacking of ducks. But beyond relaxation, there’s much more to explore. The highlight is the Convent of Christ, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Describing it briefly would be inadequate; suffice to say, I was fascinated and would return many times.

Hostel on the way of Santiago-Tomar-Covento de Cristo-Unesco
Convent Of Christ

Practical information: the ticket to enter the convent costs 6 euros, but touring within the walls is free, offering a breathtaking view of the city from above. Another point of interest is the Synagogue and its museum, which, despite its small size, exudes history and life lessons.

I was enthusiastic about Tomar and the hostel I chose to stay in: Hostel 2300 Tomar. Its strengths include its prime location, vibrant aesthetics, excellent amenities, friendly staff, and affordable price of 15 euros per night in a mixed dormitory with breakfast included. If you’re excited about Tomar and its Templar secrets and wish to stay in this fantastic hostel, check out the website or book via our Booking banner. Until next time, fellow Templar Knight.

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Hostel on the Way of Santiago from Minde to Tomar
Discover the best hostel on the Way of Santiago from Minde to Tomar. Follow our journey to find the perfect lodging for you!
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La Scimmia Viaggiatrice