Cosa vedere a Verezzi-vicolo-bouganville-fiori-mare

 A Brief Itinerary through the Saracen Village of the Riviera delle Palme

Ever imagined discovering an ancient Saracen village without a time machine? Believe it or not, rwad what to see in Verezzi, and you’ll find yourself in just such a place. Verezzi, a charming Ligurian hamlet perched on a steep hill overlooking the gulf and Borgio, proudly belongs to the club of Italy’s most beautiful villages.

Legend has it that Saracens, captivated by the locale during a raid, decided to settle there permanently. The ancient Saracen village is still divided into four quaint hamlets: Poggio, Crosa, Piazza, and Roccario. Their charming pink stone houses seamlessly blend with the landscape, connected by narrow alleys and steep paths, mostly free from traffic, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere. Keep reading to discover what to see in Verezzi!

What to see in Verezzi: The Hamlets


Embark on our journey exploring what to see in Verezzi, starting with the oldest and most fascinating hamlet, Crosa. Nestled between the town center and wooded areas, Crosa holds significant historical and artistic treasures. Traces of Neolithic dwellings carved into the rock bear witness to habitation centuries before the Saracens’ arrival. Noteworthy is a rare example of a Phoenician mill, the best-preserved in Europe, featuring an internal paddle by a constant airflow through a slit.

Nearby, two must-visit sites in Verezzi are the Parish Church of San Martino and the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena. A bell, known as “the Mother,” tolls daily at 7 p.m. in remembrance of all mothers. The natural terrace hosting these buildings offers a breathtaking view of the coastline.

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Panorama of the Riviera delle Palme from the church of San Martino in Verezzi (Credit to Matteo Marongiu)

Roccaro e Poggio

Architecturally distinctive is Roccaro, with its characteristic houses and alleys. Here, the Chapel of the Immaculate Madonna stands out, a true Baroque gem with a slate roof—an architectural uniqueness adapting to local materials

Poggio, while lacking significant historical sites, offers complete tranquility, with its only remaining defensive tower along its two main streets.


The most celebrated and touristy is Piazza, undeniably one of the most beautiful things to see in Verezzi. Piazza Sant’Agostino, the heart of the hamlet, boasts charming establishments and a spectacular viewpoint over the Riviera delle Palme.

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Portico in Verezzi, in the Borgo Piazza in black and white. (credit to Matteo Marongiu)

On the square stands the 14th-century Church of pink Verezzi stone, a sought-after venue for weddings due to its beauty. Famous for hosting the “Borgio Verezzi Theatre Festival” for half a century, the square comes alive each year with stellar Italian theater companies performing classical works and lighter comedies under the starlit sky.

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Panorama of the Riviera delle Palme from Verezzi, Borgo Piazza (Credit to Matteo Marongiu)

What to See in Verezzi: Nature

Often, visitors appreciate the village for its history and coastal panoramas, overlooking the fact that Verezzi offers a rich natural heritage. Its location makes it an excellent destination for hiking enthusiasts. Various themed trails have been created in the hinterland, catering to visitors’ thirst for adventure and knowledge. Particularly interesting are the cultural, geological, and nature trails.

For sports enthusiasts, there’s a running park, the first in Liguria, winding between the two hamlets, and at the Cave di Verezzi cliff, a 300-meter wall equipped with 23 climbing routes of varying difficulty.

What to Eat in Verezzi

After uncovering the secrets of this ancient Saracen village, let’s explore the specialties found in the numerous inns and taverns in the two hamlets.

Typical Ligurian dishes like trenette al pesto, torta Pasqualina, and cima ripiena are on the menu, but Verezzi offers unique dishes. Snails alla verezzina in a stew, celebrated in the annual village festival, are a must-try. The pumpkin pie is a Christmas specialty, along with zemin, a soup enriched with chickpeas, mushrooms, tomatoes, and chard.

As a dessert, indulge in frisceu, fritters filled with raisins or apples, dusted with powdered sugar. Wash it down with Nostralino, a local wine.

Now that you know what to see in Verezzi, you realize you don’t need a time machine to explore a Saracen village. So, what are you waiting for? Prepare your DeLorean and set off to discover Verezzi.

What to See in Verezzi: Final Tips

If you plan to stay a few nights in Verezzi, click here to discover the best accommodations at the best prices!

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What to see in Verezzi
"Explore the enchanting charm of Verezzi! Discover what to see in Verezzi, an ancient Saracen village with stunning views
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La scimmia Viaggiatrice