
From Vilarinho to Ponte de Lima

Hello fellow pilgrim, today I want to advise you on which albergue to choose on the Way of Santiago from Vilarinho to Ponte de Lima.

If you’re wondering which albergue to choose on today’s journey, keep reading.

Don your rain poncho because we’re expecting some very wet days.

Eighteenth Stage: which albergue to choose on the Way of Santiago Vilarinho (30km)

In the last article, we bid farewell in Porto, and now we continue from there.

Today we have a pleasant walk along the outskirts of Porto, with a decision to make: continue on the Central Way or opt for the Coastal one, this is the dilemma.

I chose to continue on the Central Portuguese Way, leaving the outskirts of Porto behind, immersing myself in the Portuguese countryside and its small rural villages.

After a good walk, we arrive at today’s stop: Vilarinho.

A charming little village with Romanesque charm, featuring a beautiful tower, a lovely square, and a handful of eateries (some offering the pilgrim’s dish).

Which albergue to choose on the Way of Santiago-Vilarinho-street-monesterio sao miguel
A street of Vilarinho

Just a few steps from the center lies today’s albergue, Casa de Laura.

This small albergue exudes an atmosphere of peace and tranquility; watching the sunset from Mrs. Laura’s garden, accompanied by her cats, truly moved me.

Leaving sentimentality aside, let’s list the strengths of this lovely place:

  • Hospitality: Mrs. Laura is a perfect host, welcoming you with joy and making you feel immediately at home. She offered me Port wine and a delicious homemade cake, along with everything needed for breakfast the next day.
  • The garden: The house boasts a spacious garden where you can relax after a day’s walk or soak up the sun during summer, truly unique moments of relaxation.
  • Location: Excellent for reaching the small center and for resuming the journey the following day.
  • Price: 12 euros for a warm room with hot shower, comfortable beds, and plenty of relaxation is more than fair.

Note that the structure lacks a kitchen, having only a boiler for hot water and a small fridge. However, the town has a couple of restaurants where you can dine at reasonable prices.

If you want to immerse yourself in the world of Casa de Laura, check out the official Facebook page for more information.

Nineteenth Stage: from Vilarinho to Barcelos (30 km)

After bidding farewell to peaceful Vilarinho, even before dawn, we briskly head towards Barcelos: also known for the black rooster with colorful body, one of Portugal’s unofficial symbols.

The road leading to the city of roosters is quite manageable, albeit I had to face it in pouring rain.

Arriving in Barcelos drenched and with a headache, before exploring the charming town, I needed relaxation and found it in the hostel: In Barcelos Hostel & Guest House.

The pros of this structure are:

  • The facility: Beautiful and brand new, comfortable beds, hot shower, and a large kitchen with all utensils for cooking (I actually dined in the facility).
  • Hospitality: The owner was very kind, providing useful information and doing my laundry (at a price of 7 euros).
  • Location: The structure is just a stone’s throw from the city center and a 10-minute walk from the nearest budget supermarket.
  • Price: 15 euros per night in a male dormitory with ensuite bathroom and all comforts seem reasonable, considering Barcelos is not only a pilgrimage destination but also a tourist city.

After showering and relaxing, I set out to explore the town of Barcelos.

Despite being small, it’s truly enchanting, with giant rooster installations scattered throughout the city, a festive atmosphere, and the lovely Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Terço, the city positively surprised me.

Which albergue to choose on the Way of Santiago-Barcelos-Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Terço-Azulejos
Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Terço

For history lovers, there’s also an open-air archaeological museum with Roman remains and medieval sarcophagi, welcoming tourists as they enter the city.

I wished for more time in Barcelos, but it’s already time to replenish and sleep for the next stage.

Twentieth Stage: which albergue to choose on the way of Santiago in Ponte de Lima (36km)

Leaving Barcelos in pouring rain, today we head towards Ponte de Lima.

Today’s walk promises to be long and challenging, and the constant rain has made things worse, of course.

Reaching Ponte de Lima was truly exhausting, and upon arrival, I still didn’t know exactly which albergue to choose.

In the end, I settled on the Old Village Hostel, whose strengths are:

  • Hospitality: The owners were super helpful and kind during check-in.
  • The room: Although very basic, the room had a heater that I could keep on all night, and the bed was comfortable, as was the hot shower.
  • Facilities: The structure has a large kitchen with everything needed to prepare a meal and a laundry service (7 euros) – everything a pilgrim needs.
  • Price: 12 euros per night in a heated mixed dorm with functioning Wi-Fi seemed like a great price.

The only downside is the distance from the center; it’s about 3 km from the city center and the beautiful city bridge, which you must cross to resume the journey the next day.

Additionally, there are no cheap restaurants around the area. I opted for McDonald’s, which is a 5-minute walk away; sometimes junk food is allowed.

Considering this, I recommend the structure if you feel like taking a stroll after a day of walking. If you prefer to rest, perhaps other solutions would be better.

Anyway, I enjoyed my stay and would return.

If you want to book at the Old Village Hostel, check out the official website or our Booking Banner.

Once again, it’s time to bid farewell. We’ve come a long way together, and there’s still much more ahead. See you on the next walk to figure out together which albergue to choose on the Way of Santiago.

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Article Name
Which albergue to choose on the Way of Santiago between Vilarinho and Ponte de Lima
Find out which Albergue to choose on the Portuguese Way of Santiago from Vilarinho to Ponte de Lima with our guide.
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La scimmia Viaggiatrice