le cinque migliori strutture sul Cammino di Santiago-Cattedrale-Santiago-de-Compostela-Arrivo-a-Santiago-cielo-azzurro-gambe

Arrival in Santiago

Hello fellow Pilgrim, get ready, today is an important day: we’re arriving in Santiago.

Best structures on the way of Santiago-pilgrims-Santiago Cathedral-black and white

But before that, let me tell you about the five best structures on the Way of Santiago. Before delving into the emotions felt during the final steps, it seems fitting to recap and highlight the best structures on the Way of Santiago. I must clarify that this ranking is solely based on my experiences, and while I hold dear all the shelters that provided refuge, let’s get straight to the point with the ranking.

5th of best structures on the way of Santiago: B&B J.M in Sangalhos

A beautiful and somewhat secluded bed and breakfast, its standout feature undoubtedly lies in the hospitality of the hosts. If you want to experience the life of a Portuguese family, this is the place for you. Needless to say, Maria and Davide have left a lasting impression, and we’re still in touch to this day.

It takes the fifth spot mainly because €35 per night for a pilgrim is quite high. Nevertheless, money well spent as I gained two more friends and the memory of a super comfortable night.

4th of the best structures on the way of Santiago: Albergue o Bonito in Rabaçal

A truly welcoming pilgrim hostel providing all necessary amenities. The dormitory is warm, as is the shower, and the bed is comfortable. Wi-Fi signal is also excellent.

The real strength of this hostel lies in the value for money of the services offered. I paid €10 for dinner, breakfast, laundry service, plus another €10 for the stay, which is certainly great for a pilgrim’s finances.

Lastly, a super positive note was all the advice the owner gave me for continuing the journey. A 100% recommended hostel for pilgrims.

3rd position: Albergue Peregrinos St.Antonio in Águeda

A beautifully designed pilgrim hostel, meticulously detailed to cater to pilgrims’ needs.

Though somewhat distant from the city center, it’s an excellent place to unwind after a day of walking. Priced at €10 including heating, the shower is en-suite, and the dormitory is small and cozy – what more could a pilgrim want?

The encounter with a cat wandering around the hostel will always remain in my heart; spending time with her was truly lovely. If you’re a tired pilgrim in need of relaxation, Albergue St. Antonio is the place for you.

2nd of the best structures on the Way of Santiago: Casa de Laura in Vilarinho

A truly peaceful hostel exuding serenity. I can’t quite explain why, but the calmness and kindness of the owner (who offered me homemade cake and Porto wine) make that place perfect for resting. The six-bed dormitory is small, warm, and cozy, just like the shower.

Watching the sunset from Casa de Laura’s garden, with my feet in the grass, accompanied by her cats (yes, I like cats), is a moment I’ll cherish whenever I seek peace.

1st position: Santa Casa da Misericórdia in S.João da Madeira 

First place among the best structures on the Way of Santiago that pleasantly surprised me the most. This donation-based hostel is the best in terms of warmth, coziness, and comfort for the price you decide through your donation.

I must admit, at first, I was skeptical and intimidated by the place (a shelter for the elderly), fearing the cold. Instead, I felt welcomed and at ease. I slept incredibly well, and the next day, I walked almost 40 km; undoubtedly deserving the top spot because donations contribute to the atmosphere of sharing and simplicity that the journey leads you to develop.

If you’re walking the Way and have the chance to stay in a donation-based hostel, I absolutely recommend it; you won’t be disappointed.

Now that you know the top five structures along the Way of Santiago, all that’s left is for you to accompany me for the last kilometers of my journey.

28th Stage: O Faramello-Santiago de Compostela (14Km)

Here we are, dear friend, to walk together these last 14 km that will lead us to Santiago de Compostela Cathedral.

best structures on the way of Santiago-Santiago de Compostela-Cathedral
Cathedral of Santiago

The final moments of the journey oscillate between the desire to arrive and the desire to never arrive. You know the journey is about to end, and you’re happy for what you’ve accomplished (namely, walking 734 km) and sad because you won’t do it anymore.

Stopping for a beer and toasting with all your fellow pilgrims was unforgettable.

Finally, the arrival was a long embrace with others and with myself, to make peace with my inner self and, for once, be proud of myself. Last but not least, it was a gaze at the Cathedral, so imposing yet so close at the same time.

We’ve reached the end of this incredible journey through Portugal and Spain; there would be many things to say, but I just want to say thank you if you’ve read this far and wish you to do the most difficult thing of all: continue walking within yourself to pursue the happy life you deserve.

And of course, Buen Camino, pilgrim!

Post Scriptum

I almost forgot, if you enjoyed reading about my adventures and tips on the Way, you might also enjoy seeing me in action.

In fact, I’ve opened a YouTube channel where I recount my adventures. If you want to support my project, just subscribe to the channel and follow my videos. Thank you in advance for continuing to walk with me.

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Arrival in Santiago and the five best structures on the Way of Santiago
Arriving in Santiago today, but first, discover the top 5 structures along the Way of Santiago! Ready to join me?
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la Scimmia Viaggiatrice